Using Visual Studio Code
The container exposes an ssh port :3333
so you can always connect under ubuntu
user and use your preferred tool. This is a short how-to on setting up environment with VSCode.
Attach to dev VM
$ clippy attach
Download VSCode server on the devvm
Install the VS Code CLI on the dev VM:
$ curl -Lk '' --output vscode_cli.tar.gz &\
tar -xf vscode_cli.tar.gz
~Tip: it can be inconvenient to repeat this step multiple times. To streamline the process, you can add this command to your .bashrc file, which will ensure the VSCode server is downloaded upon your first login.
Start the tunnel
VSCode support tunneling right into container. Run the following command and follow command prompts:
$ ./code tunnel
# there will be several steps like gh auth, etc.
Open this link in your browser
Connect to remote VSCode instance
The command below outputs the link to the newly created VSCode session like
which let you open IDE in the browser.
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